فارسی عربي


ifilm exclusive with ‘The Tenth Night’ actor

ifilm has done an exclusive interview with Iranian actor Parviz Fallahipour starring in ifilm series ‘The Tenth Night’.

Given ‘The Tenth Night’ is being aired on ifilm, the channel’s Persian service arranged a talk with Parviz Fallahipour about the series featuring him.

He played the role of Yavar and appeared as a faithful ‘Luti’ (a daring person and great brawler) who could win the audience's heart.

Below are the highlights from the interview with Fallahipour.

ifilm: Many things can be said about memorable series  ‘The Tenth Night’ which features not only well-established and authentic theatrical rituals, but a time bracket of Iran history.   All in all, which part of the series was so appealing that you decided to appear in it?

Fallahipour: In the first place, the screenplay seemed tremendously appealing. The classic structure and characterization of the script drew me. Next, the role of Yavar was really likeable for me and characterization was precise and systematic. Finally, the series was made in a year when the Persian New Year and Muharram coincided.

When people see me they still talk about the series. To every actor, one work renders more visibility. This is a normal trend in the world of art. Yet I put a lot of work into this role, did my research on and had a plan for every move of this character. If you saw the series, you’d see the character doing no extra or inappropriate move. This is due to my care for details and that I wanted to do my share to Hassan Fathi’s script.  

ifilm: Seemingly, your background in theater has helped you a lot to well perform your role. Did you happen to experience such ambience in your previous works?

Fallahipour: The ambience of the series was different as the Luties and the way they behaved has long been extinct. That is why I did a lot of research on how to perform my role. Many artists have already appeared as Luties in various works, though I tried to represent a new layer of such people in Iranian history.

ifilm: How come you don’t usually appear in many works? What is the reason behind being less active in the realm of acting?

Fallahipour: I really like playing the role of a multi-layered character, something that challenges me. I prefer such thing than getting famous or being seen by the audience. Oftentimes, I pass through a crisis of feelings and mental disturbance. Nevertheless, the pleasure of performing a role can undo the damage to some extent. Acting is an amalgamation of suffering and pleasure.

ifilm: You’ve started your artistic career with theater and you certainly have a special relationship with theatrical performances. Why haven’t you returned to it?

Fallahipour: Theater is my everlasting love and passion. Every time that the opportunity presents itself I’m more than glad to be present on stage. Coincidently, a French production titled ‘Father’ has been offered to me. I’m currently reading and enjoying the script and I wish to strike a deal for the theatrical work eventually.

ifilm: We’ve heard some worrying news on your health. How is your general health now?

Fallahipour: Thank God, I am perfect. Now I go hiking and completely recovered. I am grateful to those who were kind enough to ask about my health. I hope to return their favor one day.  

